Thursday, September 19


Here’s the entire archive of history-related articles on Take some time to look around, and have fun getting lost in all the content.

Photographer Spotlight: Paige Lindsay
History, Photo, Spotlight

Photographer Spotlight: Paige Lindsay

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Kaleidoscopic Paintings by Sarah Helen More Pulse with Vibrant Energy
Art, Fashion, History

Kaleidoscopic Paintings by Sarah Helen More Pulse with Vibrant Energy

Textile design and the visual language of quilting shine through in Sarah Helen More’s paintings. Her kaleidoscopic works pair various geometric and botanical motifs in patchworks of flat graphic color. Emitting a joyful, meditative energy, the vivid compositions directly tie to the artist’s childhood memories and experiences. Growing up in Portland, Oregon, and Houston, More was exposed to her mother’s quilting practice and her father’s vast geology collection, and she fuses the two in her works, as organic imagery melds with stripes and bold blocks of color. Now inspired by her daily walks around her home in Seattle, the artist often begins with a photograph or sketch before translating the patterns to the canvas. “My work has always been a place of solace for me—a place where I ...